The officers chase!

“Hello can I check your passport?”, he asked. The officer checked his passport and the officer said “is this fake your photograph dose not  match up to your real face” “oh that’s the younger me” “you have changed a lot” the officer said “well you can go through to board the plane” the other officer said “he’s a wanted criminal chase him!” “he is going for his flight if he gets on that plane we will never find him” they chased him to his plane he managed to just get on his flight and he flied to France. He arrived at 2:00am and the police got him.

One thought on “The officers chase!

  1. Hi Edison, you did a good job I think you used estimation of time in the last sentence and I think you used a lot of dialogue. I think you used a bit of action at the end, I enjoyed it and I liked it because it had description in a lot of sentence. One thing maybe next time add more full stops and maybe have a little more description but the rest was really good. Kind regards Taya

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