Glimmy and Dimmy’s round up

Glimmy and Dimmy were walking down the road when they saw gray grumpy cabbage running towards them Glimmy and Dimmy ran behind a building the gray cabbage ran through the hole town although  Dimmy and Glimmy know that they should go be hero’s and round them up but they didn’t, Dimmy and Glimmy nervously thought if they should go save the town and dimmy said come on lets go be hero’s dimmy and Glimmy went and rounded up all the grumpy cabbages and when they caught a cabbage it went bang!!!!!!! Dimmy and Glimmy  finale caught all of them they went back home THE END.

Dimmy and the ice bucket

Bang! Dimmy crashed his Mum’s car into the wall of Harveynormen Dimmy got out of the crashed car and noticed that the heat was unbearable so he went in side the shop but instead of being cold it was even HOTTER in side then out side. Dimmy was boiling but he kept fighting for 5 minutes than Dimmy had really good idea ran to the fridge isle and sat in the ice bucket Dimmy was so happy he was throwing ice blocks in the air other people saw him and joined in with Dimmy, the manager called the police and arrested every one in the shop.

Dimmy’s monopoly game

Dimmy was walking down the street like Dimmy dose until he saw a giant steel iron and Dimmy thought that it looked like a big monopoly player , Dimmy got sucked into a giant monopoly game and he was the iron peace although Dimmy was a master at monopoly, however he hasn’t played in a long time he rolled the dice and he rolled a 7 he moved forward and he bought the train station for $150 now it was Mr. Monopoly turn he rolled a 12 and he moved to the jail Dimmy thought he was doomed then Mr. monopoly hacked the game.